So if you've made it to this page, I'll go ahead and assume you're either an avid indie gamer looking for a review on a game that you are somewhat interested in playing, or a member of the Tinysaurus Army (shameless plug ago!) that was intrigued by what this blog could be. If you are not either one of those, then I'll go ahead and explain what I'm doing here.
As an avid Indie gamer myself, I oftentimes feel that while some games get a lot of press and spotlight and feedback from the gaming community as a whole, there are certain games -in my experience real gems in most cases- that fall through the cracks. I noticed this myself when I was looking for a review on an Indie game called "Block Story"; it had mixed reviews and the reviews themselves were from it's first release a couple years ago. Nobody had updated the reviews or followed up with the development of the game. To quench my burning curiosity I ended up buying the game and what came after is for another blog post in and of itself but let's say that I really want my ten dollars back.
In any case, what I'm striving to do here is save others the trouble of having to make a decision solely based on curiosity. I want to bring unbiased, in-depth reviews to games that I think are both worth and not worth your time. So many games and so little time right?
I hope you enjoy your stay on this blog and if you want periodic updates on what's going on not only with this blog but also my YouTube channel, click the links down below! I really do appreciate it ^^
See ya,
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